Living Networks: Bioelectronic IoT and the Future of Secure, Energy-Efficient Wireless Systems

Beyond the surge of connected traditional IoT devices, envision a new frontier: an IoT driven by living bioelectronic sensors, Cyber-Secure Biological Systems, designed to sense and wirelessly communicate under extreme resource constraints, tackling critical societal challenges in healthcare, environmental monitoring, and sustainable manufacturing. Unlike conventional radio frequency systems that rely on resource-intensive methods, this talk explores how information- and noise-centric algorithms can be integrated into adaptable system designs to enable energy-efficient wireless communications while simplifying the integration of physical-layer security. Additionally, the speaker will introduce a noise-centric, universal decoding approach using GRAND (Guessing Random Additive Noise Decoding) for error correction, tailored for ultra-low-power communication systems. The GRAND project is a collaboration with Muriel Medard (MIT) and Ken Duffy (Northeastern University).