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A 270-to-300 GHz Amplifier-Last Transmitter With 6.7 dBm Peak
Output Power Using 130 nm SiGe Process
This paper presents an amplifier-last transmitter
(TX), operating from 270-to-300 GHz, in a 130 nm SiGe BiCMOS
process. The TX is composed of a 250 GHz multiplier-by-6 local
oscillator (LO) chain, an-isolation-enhanced fundamental mixer,
and a four-stage gm-boosting power amplifier (PA). The measured
peak output power of the LO chain is 7.8 dBm at 250 GHz. The
TX achieves a measured peak Psat of 6.7 dBm at 278 GHz and
282 GHz, and delivers a measured maximum OP1dB of 5 dBm at
280 GHz with 3 dB bandwidth larger than 26 GHz. The meaured
LO leakage and image siganal rejection are better than 21.7 dBc
and 34.1 dBc respectively. For the first time, the silicon-based PA
is integrated with 300 GHz TX, and the TX achieves the highest
Psat and OP1dB compared to other state-of-the-arts >250 GHz
silicon-based TX.