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A 200-GHz Phased Array Transmitter with Element-Level Scanning Antenna for ± 45° Scanning Range with 0.71 λ0 Antenna Pitch
This paper presents a compact 200 GHz SiGe-based two-channel phased array with an on-chip integrated multiplier-by-6 driver chain. Each channel is composed of an on-chip element-level scanning antenna (ELSA), two frequency doublers, two driver amplifiers (DA), two 6-bit phase shifters (PS), and two 5-bit variable gain amplifiers (VGA). By switching the state of the two PSs in a channel, the radiation pattern of the ELSA could be flexibly controlled. Therefore, even if ELSAs are integrated in a large-pitch phased array, the wide scanning range could be ensured by switching its radiation pattern for simultaneous main lobe enhancement and grating lobe suppression. The measured peak output power of the frequency doubler is 5.6 dBm, with a 3-dB bandwidth from 184 to 213 GHz. At 0.71 λ0 channel spacing, the two-channel phased array demonstrates a measured EIRP of 13.5 dBm, while a wide scanning range of ±45° is obtained.