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Deep Microscopic Quantum Solvers for Spin Qubits Coupled to Complex Electromagnetic Environments
The field of nanophotonics and electromagnetics has developed various techniques to deal with quantum light-matter interactions. However, effects such as thermalization and dephasing in complex EM environments, which are crucial to quantum information, are relatively unexplored. We report on the development of new electromagnetic solvers that capture the quantum dynamics of spin qubits near arbitrary surfaces, circuits, and materials. We describe two approaches at macroscopic and microscopic scales. The macroscopic approach uses open quantum systems theory and fluctuational electrodynamics. The microscopic approach uses a new quantum crystalline gauge theory to capture hidden waves deep inside matter. We will also discuss multiple applications ranging from quantum sensing and quantum bolometers to quantum circuits. Finally, we will discuss the connection between topological electrodynamics and the Maxwell Hamiltonian.